Nathalie Sosna-Ofir : « Le nouveau numéro d’Actualité Juive est disponible en version numérique Retrouvez-y l’interview d’Ari Heistein, chercheur à l’INSS -l’Institut National Israélien des Études Sécuritaires- et expert des relations israélo-américaines et de l’Iran ».

L’Institute for National Security Studies est un institut de recherche et un groupe de réflexion israélien indépendant affilié à l’Université de Tel Aviv qui s’occupent de questions de sécurité .

The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) is an independent Israeli research institute and think tank affiliated with Tel Aviv University dealing in areas of national security matters such as military and strategic affairs, terrorism and low intensity conflict, military balance in the Middle East, and cyber warfare.

Headed by former IDF Military Intelligence Chief, General (ret.) Amos Yadlin, INSS research is published worldwide including in books, academic articles, news media, and used by government officials. INSS holds seminars and conferences in various fields of strategic affairs such as the annual Defensive Cyber Intelligence Security conference and Aerial Threat Seminar. Additionally, INSS publishes peer reviewed journals including Military and Strategic Affairs.

In the University of Pennsylvania‘s 2019 Global Go To Think Tanks Report, INSS was ranked as the best think tank in the Middle East and North Africa.

Among all think tanks worldwide, it ranked 12th among « Top Defense and National Security Think Tanks ». The institute’s study « The History of Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations » was among the list of « Best Policy Study/Report Produced by a Think Tank » for the 2013-2014 term.

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