Le maire de Beer-Sheva, Rubik Danilovich. « Je veux faire de Beer-Sheva un incubateur pour les rêveurs du monde entier, un centre pour les start up et pour les développements technologiques qui façonnent l’avenir ».
Ruvik Danilovich est un politicien israélien. En 2008, il a été élu maire de Beersheba, après avoir été maire adjoint de Yaakov Turner. Il a été réélu en 2013 avec 92,21% des suffrages et réélu en novembre 2018 avec 92% des suffrages.
LE PLUS. « Ruvik Danilovich is the eighth mayor of Beer-Sheva. Born and raised in Beer-Sheva, he began his career at Ben-Gurion University’s student union and founded the “Horizon » political group on campus. He was appointed a deputy mayor at just 27 and went on to become the youngest mayor elected in the city’s history at 37.
Danilovich is a remarkably energetic and forward-thinking mayor who has spearheaded the process of turning Beer-Sheva from a dusty backwater to a modern metropolis. He is a strong proponent of equality between men and women. His party list is half men and half women and a majority of municipal corporations are directed by women ».
LE PLUS. Reuven (Ruvik) Danilovich was born in Beersheba in 1971. He worked for Yaakov Turner’s election campaign, which ended with Turner’s victory. In return, Turner appointed Danilovich to serve as his deputy.
Danilovich’s 2009 election victory over Turner was described as an « Oedipal story. » Turner often referred to Danilovich as his designated successor. At a Purim parade several years prior to the election, Danilovich dressed up as a pilot, an obvious hint that he planned to succeed Turner, who was director of the nearby Israel Air Force Museum.
Danilovich won 60% of the vote. During the campaign, bogus death notices announcing Turner’s supposed demise were put up on walls throughout the Negev city.
Shortly after his election, Danilovich was forced to contend with Grad missiles falling on his city during Operation Cast Lead. Following the operation, Danilovich presented a ten-year plan (2010–2020) for his city to transform it into an important metropolitan area in Israel. The plan includes improvements to education, infrastructure, job opportunities, etc.
In the Municipal elections that were held in Israel on October 30, Danilovich continues for a third term with 91.97 percent (68,400) of the vote. His party, « Derech Hadasha, » increased its power in the city council and won 16 of the 27 seats available, compared to the 14 seats it won in the previous election.