Le ministère de la Défense a suspendu mardi les licences de deux filiales de la compagnie technologique israélienne Ability pour avoir contrevenu aux lois sur les exportations. Un embargo a été imposé sur la plupart des détails de l’enquête. Les deux entreprises — Ability Computer and Software Industries, et Ability Security Systems — sont soupçonnées d’avoir commercialisé et exporté des systèmes d’écoute et de localisation de manière illégale et sans autorisation, a expliqué le ministère. (https://fr.timesofisrael.com/)
Ability Security are a Security Systems & Consultants company that are based in Ruislip, Middlesex. We started this business over 20 years ago and have become very successful and will continue to do so. Our professional team of workers are experienced and highly qualified in security systems installation, repair, and maintenance.
We offer all kinds of security solutions and this makes us different from our competitors. Our services are tailor-made to suit your needs. We will not try to sell you something if it is not ideal for your circumstances, we will however find you the perfect solution for all your security issues. You may have special requirements that is needed for the insurance of your company. We can help you with this.
We provide professional security systems installation, repair, and maintenance to clients that need their homes or business premises secured, we have a large client base that rely on us to protect and secure their homes and companies and know we will upgrade and maintain their systems over time.
If you are a business owner then our services will allow you to be safe and secure knowing your company is protected, you can be left knowing that your investment is protected 24 hours a day, leaving you to concentrate on the more important things in your company.
If you are a home owner and work all week then you can be assured that you home and valuables are will be safe once we have installed CCTV and an alarm system.