La chaîne américaine Bloomberg a publié son indice sur l’efficacité des systèmes de santé dans le combat contre le Corona. Israël arrive à la 5e place mondiale, devancé par Singapour, Hong-Kong, Taïwan et la Corée du Sud ! Parmi les dix premiers suivent l’Irlande, l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande, la Thaïlande et le Japon. La France arrive en 34e position. Par ailleurs, toujours selon Bloomberg, la qualité du système de santé israélien était classé en 3e place mondiale avant l’apparition du Corona. (LPH)

No Camels : « Israel slipped to 5th place in the newest Bloomberg Health-Efficiency Index of 2020 as the world continues to grapple with the ongoing coronavirus crisis.

The country dropped two spots from a pre-pandemic index, which showed Israel in third place behind Hong Kong and Singapore.

The Bloomberg Health-Efficiency Index, which was first conducted in 2013, tracks life expectancy and medical spending to determine which health-care systems have the best outcomes.

Adjusments were made to the ranking formula to include the impact of COVID-19 on mortality and gross domestic product (GDP) in 57 of the world’s largest economies. Countries were ranked in categories such as life expectancy, percent of GDP, and cost per capita.

According to the newly adjusted ranking formula, the 2020 table includes the one-year change in GDP, based on an October forecast by the International Monetary Fund, as well as the COVID-19 toll on each economy, Bloomberg said.

The adjusted measures helped many Asian territories improve their standing on the list, since “aggressive coronavirus responses kept cases and deaths low,” Bloomberg said.

These measures helped many Asian territories improve their standing on the list since their generally aggressive coronavirus responses kept cases and deaths relatively low ».

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