L’économiste Dan CATARIVAS, DG des relations internationales à l’Association des Industriels d’Israël.  » L’économie israélienne face à la crise du Covid-19 « , Jeudi 23 avril à 17h (France)

Contact : L’Organisation sioniste mondiale en France » <[email protected]>

Dan Catarivas presently holds the position of Director of the Division of Foreign Trade and International Relations at the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel; in his capacity he coordinates various activities between the Israel and the Palestinian private sector.

Prior to this position he served for twenty five years with the Israel Government, his last position was Deputy Director General for International Affairs at the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Catarivas graduated from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Political Science. He holds MSc degree in Economics from London School of Economics in the field of European Economic Integration and Diploma from College D’Europe in Bruges, Belgium, in the field of Advanced European Studies.

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