Monsieur l’ambassadeur Frédéric Journès, merci de nous accueillir chez vous et pour votre soutien,

Madame la députée Caroline Yadan, merci de votre présence parmi nous ce soir, 

Monsieur le président d’honneur de la chambre Daniel Rouach,

Mesdames et Messieurs, 

Ladies and gentlemen, 

Thank you for your presence in spite of the war and of the many surrounding difficulties.

First of all let’s have a thought for the kidnapped hostages and for our soldiers who are fighting to get them free.

We are all here tonight thanks to ambassador Frederic Journes, who decided to have this reception in the honour of Israel-France chamber of commerce and industry.

Our chamber was founded in 1957, right after Sinai battle in which France and Israel were allies. Remember De Gaulle telling Ben Gurion “Israel, our friend, our ally”.

Times change, governments change, relationship between countries evolve with ups and downs, but if two nations are tied to each other with strong economic and cultural links, they have better chances to overcome temporary disagreements. The exceptionally warm welcome received by Israeli athletes at Paris Olympics is the best proof of that.

This is why a bi-national chamber of commerce is so important: it is at authorities level of course, since we have a privileged relationship with both countries who gave us their stamp. This unique positioning enables us to advocate for the interests of our company members and intervene for them when needed, as recently in Eurosatory episode.

When your company joins the chamber, you contribute to strengthen these ties between Israel and France, and it is clearly in both countries’ interest. 

But it is also in your own interest : we know that your day to day concern is business, and we perfectly understand that your focus is on investors, on customers and on best practices. 

You must be aware that it is exactly the chamber’s job : we are here to launch initiatives and develop programs that help you discover other business actors, that may enable you to consider new opportunities, and that accompany like sherpas your attempts to work with France – in close coordination with Business France, CCEs and others.

 It is challenging. We know it’s a long way to go, but this is our strategy and we have started to implement it. You can play a role in it, you will be most welcome, the door is open.

Now a few words about France which, by geography and by culture, is probably the best gateway you can dream to the European market, world’s biggest one.  

 France is next door : flying from Tel-Aviv to Paris takes you three times less than flying to New-York. 

France has been for centuries a land of scientists and engineers, and it is by tradition one of the countries most open to innovation. 

France is also eager to attract foreign investors, and has since a long time initiated a tax exemption and subsidies policy, both at regional levels and at national level with bpi. 

And last but not least : in France there is today no business or university where you can’t find people speaking fluent English like here in Tel-Aviv.

Thanks again for being with us tonight, as this evening is hopefully the first of many encounters and collaboration.

In a few days it will be Rosh Hashanah, the jewish new year.

Let’s hope for more peace around the world, especially here between Israel and its neighbors, and no less between Israel citizens. Shana tova.

Enjoy now the evening, tasting the buffet dishes – several are marked kosher, and exchanging with the other guests.

Thank you.

Tel Aviv, le 26 septembre 2024. Réception en l’honneur de la Chambre de commerce et d’industrie Israël-France (CCIIF) – Résidence de France, mercredi 25 septembre 2024.

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