IsraelValley était présent à la cérémonie du 11 Novembre. Un moment inoubliable pour tous car la rencontre a été célébrée avec beaucoup de solennité. De nombreux militaires en grande tenue étaient à la Résidence de France. L’interprétation des hymnes français, israélien et européen a marqué les esprits. La cérémonie officielle a été marquée par le dépôt d’une couronne par l’Ambassadeur de France, une lecture de textes par de jeunes élèves, un In Memoriam en hommage aux civils et militaires morts pour la France.

Le communiqué de l’Ambassade adressé avant la cérémonie : « Une cérémonie à la Résidence de France à Jaffa, dans la matinée du 11 novembre 2022. L’Ambassadeur de France en Israël Eric Danon accueillera à sa Résidence plusieurs autorités civiles et militaires israéliennes, une vingtaine d’ambassadeurs et autres diplomates accrédités en Israël, représentants d’associations mémorielles et d’anciens combattants, et membres de la communauté française ».

Communiqué adressé par l’Ambassade après la cérémonie :

DISCOURS DE L’AMBASSADEUR. Mesdames et messieurs les ambassadeurs,

Messieurs les consuls généraux,

Mesdames et messieurs les représentants des corps diplomatiques, militaires et enseignants,

Chers élèves du Collège-lycée franco-israélien Mikvé Israël,

Je suis particulièrement heureux et honoré de vous accueillir à la Résidence de France en ce jour de commémoration de la victoire et de la paix de 1918. Date de la signature de l’armistice de la Première Guerre mondiale, le 11 novembre est également un jour d’hommage à tous « les morts pour la France » à l’occasion de conflits passés ou actuels.

Not only are we paying tribute to the “Poilus” who fought endlessly in the horrific trenches of the Great War, but we take time to honour all French civilian and military men and women who gave their lives in France or abroad, from the 20th century onwards.

Their tragic fate unites them, as their love and commitment for France generates a connection with us at the present time. The courage and devotion shown by those who “fell for their country” naturally calls for a national tribute, and I am very pleased to have you attend this memorial event. In addition, those fighters’ bravery allows us to ask ourselves, individually and collectively, about our ability to preserve peace and maintain the ethics of dialogue among peoples.

In a few minutes, we will get to hear a student and a high school student reading two texts that can help us to reflect on the essence of war and the necessity of fortitude in the dark days.

The first text is an extract of “those of fourteen”, from French author Maurice Genevoix. In this text, the author who took part in WW1, describes both the bravery, generosity and modesty of his brothers in arms, free from any self-consciousness despite their decisive contribution to the victory.

The second text, is an extract from the acceptance speech at the Académie française of French philosopher Henri Bergson. In those lines, Henri Bergson reflects on the essence of war and encourages us to strengthen our moral consciousness. Those texts, written more than a century ago, keep their whole relevance today and can inspire us while Europe is again in turmoil.

Since February 24, war has made a return on European soil, with its attendant atrocities and violences against civilian populations. The echo of this tragedy is particularly strong here in Israel, where so many descendants of Eastern Europeans have found a refuge, driven out by war and the worst persecutions. I would like to take this opportunity to assure my counterpart Evgeni Kornishuk, Ambassador of Ukraine, of France’s full support to the Ukrainian government and people. This support will not waver until full victory is achieved, and we will continue to encourage all our partners to make their full contribution to this effort.

The importance of remembering those who “died for their country” obviously means that transmission between generations is ensured. I am glad that this remembrance also lays in the deep relationship between allied countries, many of which are represented here today.


Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, this 11th of November is an opportunity to remember, celebrate and honour the legacy of every man and woman who risked their lives for the sake of world peace. I hope we can all embrace and embody this cultural heritage, as a useful lesson to face our current collective challenges.


Thank you for your attention.



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