Samer Haj Yehia occupe le poste de président-directeur général de SH Eden International Business Management & Consulting Ltd. et de président de la Bank Leumi Le-Israel Ltd.

Il est également membre du conseil d’administration de l’hôpital universitaire Hadassah et membre plénier du Conseil de l’enseignement supérieur.

Il a précédemment occupé le poste de vice-président de l’ingénierie financière chez National Financial Services LLC (Trading Arm).

Le Dr Haj Yehia a obtenu un doctorat au Massachusetts Institute of Technology et un MBA, un diplôme d’études supérieures et un diplôme de premier cycle à l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem. (

Dr. Samer Haj Yehia Appointed Chairman of Bank Leumi Will replace David Brodet, who has held the position for the past 9 years

LE PLUS. At a meeting held by Leumi’s Board of Directors, Dr. Samer Haj Yehia was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank.

A lawyer and certified public accountant, Dr. Haj Yehia (48) has been a director at Leumi since 2014. He also serves as director in numerous firms, such as Hadassah Medical Center, the Strauss Group, the Council for Higher Education and the FinTech initiative BondIT. Prior to that, he served in a variety of positions in the US business sector, including VP of Financial Engineering at Fidelity Investments (2006-2012); Global Trading Strategist at GMO Investments (2012-2013); and was a financial, economic, strategic and regulatory consultant at Analysis Group (2004-2006).

Since 1990, Dr. Haj Yehia has been lecturing at leading business schools, economics departments and law schools, including MIT, Harvard, the Hebrew University and the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya.

Dr. Haj Yehia holds the following degrees: Ph.D. in economics from MIT in Boston, specializing in macroeconomics, finance and econometrics; post-graduate diploma (PGD) in accounting from Tel Aviv University; MBA (summa cum laude) from the Hebrew University, specializing in banking and financing; LLB from the Hebrew University; MA in economics (cum laude) from the Hebrew University, specializing in macroeconomics and international trade; BA in accounting and economics (cum laude) from the Hebrew University.

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