CYBER. DELEGATION ELNET. Notre journal en ligne a eu l’occasion de discuter avec des experts français de premier plan qui ont assisté à la conférence CYBER-TEL-AVIV. Alors que les Américains et israéliens signent des accords de premier plan en cyber, les experts français semblent toujours en position d’attente etparaissent « réfléchir aux modes de coopérations à venir entre les deux pays ».

Le magazine en ligne Israel Defense a réalisé un article sur la visite de parlementaires français en Israël organisée par ELNET.

La délégation française a rencontré le « Israel National Cyber Directorate », le « Cyber Lab de Ben Gurion University », le « CyberSpark », le « Cyber Innovation Arena ». Jean-Michel Mis, député de la Loire (LREM) et membres de plusieurs groupes d’études concernant le numérique a été cité comme membre de la délégation par le magazine « Israel defense ».

LE PLUS. « A delegation of French MP, all of whom are members of parliament committees or working in cyber-related groups are currently on an official visit in Israel, as part of a cyber delegation hosted by ELNET Europe-Israel. The delegation, which also includes leading French cyber experts, will have the opportunity to have first-hand exposure to Israel’s cutting-edge cyber sector.

The parliamentarians are scheduled to meet with the IDF’s most elite cyber units as well as participate in an exclusive IDF cyberattack simulation exercise.

Several participants will also speak at the Cybertech Global TLV Conference.

While France recognizes the necessity of tackling the rapidly developing threat arising from cyberattacks in order to protect its citizens’ safety, it is bound by the strict data protection rules imposed by the EU within the GDPR as well as additional domestic French laws on data protection. The MPs visiting Israel are actively involved in helping France strike the right balance between these two necessities, giving this visit a real sense of importance.

Among the delegation’s participants is MP Jean-Michel Mis, who has been charged by the French government with preparing an in-depth report on cyber security technologies. The report will include recommendations to the government on acquisition of such technologies, which will likely then be submitted as a bill to the Parliament.

Dr. Arié Bensemhoun, Chief Executive Officer of ELNET-France: “The delegation we are bringing to Israel holds strategic importance given that cyber security is becoming an increasingly fundamental necessity in the constantly evolving world of today. Israel is one of the leading players in the field of cyber technology and security, which is why it is so important to strengthen Israel and France’s relationship on these issues.


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