» France-Israel cooperation opportunities in green hydrogen for Aviation «
Webinar : Wednesday, February 9, 2022
- From 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (France time)
- From 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Israel time)
Renewable and low-carbon hydrogen is recognized as anessential link in the energy transition which aims for carbonneutrality for France (and Europe in general) and Israel by 2050.
Hydrogen has become a key contender in the battle to securea sustainable future for aviation. Indeed, compared to batteries,hydrogen has a higher energy density and is likely to penetrateother industries, which could accelerate the development of fuelcells and storage systems, promote downstream infrastructureand lower supply chain costs.
The France-Israel Foundation with the Israeli office of BusinessFrance and the French Aerospace Valley innovation clusterjointly invite you to attend our Franco-Israeli webinar onGreen Hydrogen for aviation.
The webinar will be divided into 3 distinct panels :
- The first panel will present the situation and
- state-of-the-art of R&D of green hydrogen
- in Israel and in the French Occitanie region.
- The second panel will be devoted to scientific
- research where Israeli researchers and French
- researchers will present their work
- The third panel will be devoted to the presentation
- of Israeli and French companies of their industrial
- achievements.
Contact : Dr. Muriel HaimPrésidenteFondation France-Israël+33 (0)6 52 75 62 12+972 (0)52 382 22 61