Daniel Birnbaum, l’ancien PDG de Sodastream, a lancé, samedi dernier, un appel aux Gazaouis en proposant d’offrir 100 000 dollars à tout Gazaoui qui ramènerait un otage.

Dans un message vidéo en anglais, sous-titré en arabe, Birnbaum déclaré: ”Tous ceux qui ramèneront un otage israélien en vie recevront 100 000 dollars en espèces ou en bitcoin”.

L’offre est valable jusqu’au jeudi 24 octobre.

L’ancien PDG de Sodastream affirme avoir reçu plus d’une centaines de messages. A quelques heures de la fin de la campagne, elle n’a pas produit le résultat escompté.


Daniel Birnbaum has admitted disclosing privileged information for insider trading and the court has approved a plea bargain deal with the state attorney.



Former SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum has been convicted of insider trading, prior to PepsiCo’s acquisition of the Israeli home carbonated drinks company, after pleading guilty in a plea bargain deal.

The court has approved the deal between Birnbaum and the state attorney and sentenced him to 60 days prison, an extra five months suspended sentence and a fine of NIS 50,000. In setting the fine, Tel Aviv District Court Judge took into account Birnbaum’s commitment to donate a similar amount to the war effort. In sentencing the judge also mentioned Birnbaum’s assistance to the public and soldiers during the war so far.

In 2018, SodaStream was sold to PepsiCo for $3.2 billion. Birnbaum, who became CEO in 2007 after the company was acquired by the Fortissimo private equity fund, was convicted of offenses in 2017 and 2018 when he gave information to Ayala Cohen, a former close associate at the company.

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