Annonce CCE Israël. « Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer l’ouverture de la dernière filiale française en Israël – la succursale israélienne d’ALTAVIA, premier groupe français de marketing de détail.

Sous la houlette de Claude Nahon, le groupe ALTAVIA s’adressera au marché très concurrentiel de la grande distribution israélienneentiel de la grande distribution israélienne ».

We are thrilled to announce the opening the latest French subsidiary in Israel – the Israeli Branch of ALTAVIA, the leading Marketing Retail French group.

Under the leadership of Claude Nahon, ALTAVIA group will address the highly competitive Israeli retailers market with their unique marketing tools and models that have been successfully tested over 40 years across 45 countries with French, European and world brands and retailers such as L’Oreal, Carrefour Adidas, Decathlon, etc. Congratulations!

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