À Haïfa, dès le dimanche 19 mai prochain, les travaux débuteront pour la pose des voies de la nouvelle ligne Metronit, un projet majeur destiné à améliorer les connexions de transport dans la ville. Cette nouvelle ligne reliera le sud et le centre de Haïfa aux zones occidentales, desservant des lieux clés tels que le complexe high-tech Matam, le centre commercial Castro, le stade Sami Ofer, et s’étendra jusqu’à Tirat HaCarmel.

Les travaux seront entrepris par la société d’État « Hotse Israel », relevant du ministère des Transports. Selon les médias locaux, les travaux débuteront la semaine prochaine dans la rue Rutenberg, entre Netiv HaOr et Sderot Weizman, ainsi qu’à l’intersection de la rue Weizman et de Castro Canyon.

LE PLUS. Park, located at the southern entrance to Haifa, is the largest and oldest industrial high-tech park in Israel. The Park is a local and international technology center, where international companies work in research and development of advanced technology, and are well known for their international breakthrough and international inventions. Matam Park is a closed campus, covering an area of approximately 200,000 square meters with about 6,000 employees. The Park includes buildings covering an area of approximately 131,000 square meters which are rented out to about 50 leading hi-tech companies such as Intel, Elbit Systems, Microsoft, Philips, Zoran, Google, Yahoo etc. Future plans for the Park include expansion by more than 100,000 square m. The air conditioning in Matam campus, is based on a central plant with a four pipe water circulating system. Two pipes for chilled water and two pipes for hot water. The main engine room contains 9 centrifugal water chillers and a cool storage as a water tank of 5,000 Cu.m. Hot water is supplied by 3 hot water boilers (7.5MW). The total cooling capacity of the system is about 7000 ton refrigeration. Total engine room capacity (in the near future) – 11,000 Tons of refrigeration. Owner: Gav-yam Co. Scope: – $6.5 million

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