Le rendez-vous annuel et international de la mobilité intelligente en EcoMotion, se tiendra sous format virtuel. Business France Israel, le département commercial de l’Ambassade, poursuit son partenariat afin de mettre en avant les coopérations existantes et possibles dans le futur entre la France et Israël.

Intéressé(e)s par ces domaines ? Inscrivez-vous au side-event #FranceFastForward qui aura lieu en ligne mercredi 20 mai à 11h00 (IL), 10h00 (FR), pour entendre les témoignages de Faurecia, Renault-Nissan -Mitsubishi, STMicroelectronics, Inc, Paris Région et AUTONOMY & The Urban Mobility Summit.

Détails et RSVP : https://bit.ly/3doEBKX.

EcoMotion :

EcoMotion is a dynamic community with over 600 start-ups (constantly growing) and 10,000 members in the Smart Transportation sector. Understanding startups do not grow in a void, we bring together entrepreneurs, academics, government officials, local & global automotive industry representatives, investors and much more; providing a support platform for knowledge-sharing, networking and collaboration.

Our mission is to support the growth of the Israeli Smart Transportation sector and enhance the implementation of innovation in our field, while simultaneously, positioning Israel as a global innovation center for Smart Transportation. EcoMotion has an extensive innovation toolkit to support public and private sector organizations in the implementation of innovation, such as Challenge Competitions, Adaptathons, Networking Events and more!

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