Keren Terner Eyal, quitte ses fonctions de directrice générale du ministère des Finances après seulement quatre mois à ce poste. Le chef de l’administration fiscale, Eran Yaacov, qui a été nommé pour occuper l’intérim en attendant qu’un nouveau successeur soit trouvé. La démission de Keren Terner Eyal est un nouveau coup dur pour le ministre des finances, Israël Katz, alors que la crise économique frappe Israël.

Fin août, le plus haut responsable du ministère des finances a démissionné de son poste de chef du département du budget du Trésor pour protester contre les choix économiques du gouvernement et le report à décembre de la loi sur l’adoption du budget de l’État. (Radio J – Christophe Dard)

Keren arrived at the Ministry of Finance after serving as the Director-General of the Ministry of Transportation. Prior to that, she served as Vice President for Infrastructure and Transportation Planning . Keren advanced mega-transportation infrastructure development plans and other mega projects, such as intra and intercity roads, rail and light rail transit and safety initiatives. Previously, Keren served in various positions at the Ministry of Finance, the last of which was as both the Interior and Foreign Workers Coordinator and Transportation Coordinator within the Ministry’s Budget Department. Keren was the Minister of Finance’s representative on the Boards of Directors at Israel Railways and Israel Post. She was a training officer in the IDF’s Moran special unit and was discharged as a First Lieutenant.

Keren has an MBA Degree, majoring in Finance and Accounting and a Bachelor’s Degree with Honors in Economics and Business Administration, both from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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