Givat Haviva est le centre national d’éducation de la Fédération du Kibboutz en Israël fondée en 1949. C’est l’institution la plus ancienne en Israël qui promeut la réconciliation entre Juifs et Arabes.
Depuis 2018, le Lycée international de Givat Haviva Educational Foundation accueille des élèves du monde entier : Israéliens Juifs et Arabes, Palestiniens de Cisjordanie – et actuellement 17 autres nationalités.

« Il n’y a peut-être que 100 jeunes dans ce lycée en ce moment, mais si chacun retourne chez lui et parle à ses parents, à ses amis, ça fait bien plus que 100 personnes. Chacun peut créer une réaction en chaîne, toute petite au départ, mais qui de proche en proche, touche de plus en plus de monde, et c’est comme ça que le changement arrivera ! » – Avi, étudiant au Lycée International de Givat Haviva (américano-israélien).

LE PLUS. The Center runs teacher training programs that draw on modern conflict resolution models and theories to encourage critical thinking and understanding. The Givat Haviva Education Department, part of the Jewish-Arab Center for Peace at Givat Haviva, organizes educational activities that promote equality, mutual recognition, partnership and other elements necessary for the development of a shared society.

As part of its regional strategy, the Education Department focuses on the geographical area in which Givat Haviva is situated informed by the notion that cooperation in dealing with regional challenges can help develop another layer of identity not connected to national identity. As such, regional strategies can foster new attitudes and perceptions regarding the « other » and a feeling of a shared destiny when it comes to the specific regional space inhabited by both Jews and Arabs. Work is conducted in partnership with mayors, municipal education department heads, school principals, administrators and teachers in the region.

The Education Department works in partnership with other organizations to advocate for support with the Ministry of Education in holding conferences and implementing nationwide programs for youth and teacher training activities.

The Center runs programs for the benefit of Arab citizens in Israel that enhance Hebrew language skills of Arab students, advance the status of Arab women, contribute to economic development in Arab towns and villages, and provide civic awareness training for leaders in Arab communities.

The center offers Arab and Jewish populations cross-cultural experiences that foster mutual understanding through language, arts, film and tours. In addition, a variety of experiential learning programs are offered for overseas visitors, including seminars, study tours, Arab language study program for English speakers and conflict resolution & mediation studies.

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