Le fabricant de thon en boite Williger a intenté une action en justice contre la chaîne de cafés Aroma Tel Aviv, pour dommages causés à sa réputation suite à l’hospitalisation de deux consommateurs du produit chez Aroma.

Selon Williger, Aroma aurait terni son image et provoqué la chute de ses ventes en tentant de l’incriminer dans l’affaire de l’hospitalisation de deux consommateurs de thon chez Aroma Tel Aviv.  Pour Williger, Aroma Tel Aviv  tente de se dégager de ses responsabilités alors même que les tests effectués en laboratoire par le ministère de la Santé ont conclu à la bonne conformité du thon Williger.

En effet, le ministère de la Santé a annoncé que tous les résultats des tests de laboratoire du fabricant « Williger » étaient corrects et qu’il était possible de conclure que la source d’histamine ( la substance responsable du processus inflammatoire dans l’organisme) réside dans le traitement du thon après son ouverture.

Tel-Avivre –

LE PLUS. Aroma Espresso Bar is an Israeli espresso and coffee chain with 125 branches around the country,and several branches in the United States, Canada, Romania, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Aroma is a self-service cafe where orders are placed at the counter and customers are called when the order is ready.

Founded in 1994 on Hillel Street in downtown Jerusalem by Sahar Shefa, Aroma first started branching out beyond that city in 2000. In 2006 the first overseas branch opened in SoHo in New York City. In 2007 Aroma opened its first location in Canada, in downtown Toronto in The Annex. In the following years, branches continued to open in Toronto and on 72nd Street in New York City, as well as the first location in Kiev, Ukraine. Aroma has 46 Canadian locations in Ontario (mostly in Greater Toronto Area), as well as five US locations across New York City (1), New Jersey (1), Maryland (1), and Florida (2).

In 2011, Golan Einat, owner of Roladin acquired 50% of Aroma Tel Aviv, in June 2013 acquired another 25% of the chain, and in January 2014 completed the acquisition of full ownership of the chain’s 22 Tel Aviv locations, while the Shefa family maintained ownership of the other Israeli locations. In August 2018, Aroma Espresso Bar celebrated summer with free gelato pops.

A survey by an Israeli market research company found that more Israeli consumers are inclined to choose a cafe based on accessibility and availability, ahead of cost and taste of the food. According to Haaretz newspaper, this may explain the success of Aroma, which has 123 outlets in Israel. Respondents were asked which chain they thought had the cheapest prices and best service. Aroma won by a wide margin.



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